
Born June 3, 2005

Sire: Pawnee Braveheart
Dam: Hope

Here are a few pictures of Sage during her first two days here on Earth... 
She is such a sweet, strong, courageous, horse with a BEATUTIFUL Heart!

Sage was born in the wee hours of the morning of Friday, June 3rd.  She is doing so wonderfully!  Curious about humans...if we get down on her level, she comes right up to us and she already LOVES for us to massage her little body.  Hope is such a great Mother - this has been a HUGE part of her own healing as well.  She has, through this process, learned to trust her body again.  Every since she experienced a trauma several years ago (she was tied to a swing set, spooked and pulled it out of the ground, dragging it for some distance and permanently injuring her stifle) she kept herself from fully being in her body.  Durning her pregnancy she began to experience herself as Whole again - she was very nervous about the actual birth - she didn't believe she could do it - and when she did, it was so powerful!!  She is so much more free now to experience herself as Hope, as Mother, as Horse.  YAY!  What miracles these little ones (and big ones!) Are in our Lives...